Wednesday, May 17, 2006

How To Get A Free Website!

Microsoft is providing all the things you need to make a website, hosting it for free, paying for the domain name, and providing the tools for you to design it as well.

You can find out more at

This sounded like something that could benefit my TIP subscribers and members of New TIP, so I applied, and discovered a few off-putting things such as:

1. You must create a Microsoft Passport account, which wants your credit card data, and needs a U.S. address.

2. Even when I gave them that the process was frustrating and aggravating as I couldn't get into the actual creation part of the program immediately, and there was nothing telling me to wait because it would take time to process.

But after vacating the internet for a few hours, then going back, I found it seemed to be working as it should, and I was able to start designing a website.

My progress in working with this program will appear on this blog. It's in beta, so there are a few glitches still.


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